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The ur-gordy strap

This is the very first gordy strap. Before there were gordy straps. I started selling gordy straps in 2005 based on my experience with this strap. In 2004 my sister and I went to Washington D.C. and New York City. My Grandfather had started the US Naval Combat Artist program during WWII and we wanted to see his paintings stored at the Naval Art Gallery in Washington D.C. His studio was in Greenwich Village in New York City. That is where my Dad grew up in the 1930s. We wanted to see where our Dad grew up. I took my 35mm Olympus XA2 and this Mamiya Universal 120 camera. I needed a strap for the Mamiya. A friend of mine was a belt maker so I took a length of his scrap belt leather and figured out how to make the ends and the ur-gordy strap was born. I spent a week and a half walking around D.C. and NYC and the strap did just fine. 

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