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In the summer of 1958 I was 13 years old. I spent the summer working in the commissary at Tachikawa Air Force Base north of Tokyo where my dad was stationed as a pilot. (For those not in the military a commissary is a super market.) At the end of the summer I went down to the Base Exchange and bought a typewriter and a camera. The typewriter was an Olivetti Lettera 22. I thought it was the most beautiful typewriter ever. I still do and I still have it. My grandfather always had a Leica IIIc so I looked for a rangefinder and bought a Petri 2.8 just like the one in the picture. That is a recent purchase since I gave mine away in the mid 1970s. 

I mostly shot Kodachrome with it. I have been wanting to shoot some pictures with the Petri and thought it would be appropriate to shoot slides. Kodachrome is no more but Ektachrome has returned after a 5 year hiatus. 

I started reading about the new Ektachrome and started thinking I should give it a serious look. My Nikon F4s with its matrix metering would be perfect for giving the Ektachrome a good work out. I remember some 4x5 Ektachrome transparencies I took in 1976 on a trip to Alaska. They are pretty spectacular. It looks like Kodak will be bringing Ektachrome out in medium and large format. I can't wait. 

I will report back on the results.

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