Gordy's Blog
Photo of the day
I had an Olympus E-P2 that I was no longer using so I had it converted to infrared. Shooting in the infrared light spectrum is like taking pictures in another world.
Photo of the day
My family lived in Japan from early 1957 to early 1961. For health reasons I had to return to the States for the duration of the 9th grade from Fall 1958 to Spring 1959. Before I left I went down to the Base Exchange at Tachikawa Air Force Base (My Dad was an Air Force pilot) and bought a 35mm Petri 2.8 Color Corrected Super with the money I had earned at a summer job. I stayed with a cousin of my Mom's in Sacramento, California. Christmas 1958 I went down to Santa Ana, California, to visit my Grandparents. The...
Photo of the day
This is a picture that was in my essay What was I thinking? It's one of my favorites so I'm showing it here. Zoe and I were waiting in line at the Mukilteo ferry. This is Ivar's Fish Bar. I ate a lot of fish and chips, french fries and ice cream over the years served over that counter.